Sunday, February 24, 2013

My Beach Boys

Wharf Beach on the Harbour side
Summer in Manly, Australia, ahhhh… I’m not sure what image that conjures in your mind, but it’s probably very close to reality.  The temperature doesn’t drop below 70 degrees, ever, and rarely goes above 85.  We’ve had a few days above 100, in fact there was a record-breaking 110-degree day, but that’s what air conditioning is for.    

The boys just started back at school but had 6 weeks off for Christmas and for the summer holidays.  We’ve been at the beach as much as possible.  In fact, this summer we’ve had an addition to our family, a 6th family member if you will, and that new member is sand.  Sand has embedded its tiny existence, yet large presence, in the fabric (literally) of our lives.  I have done everything in my power to eradicate this miniscule intruder, but have failed.  I’ve thrown up the white flag and now accept that I have fallen to its subsistence.   I might be complaining a wee bit, but really it’s a small price to pay for the true pleasure of this beach wonderland. 

We have our beach necessities down to a science.  All sand toys are in the “sand bag,” that goes inside the “beach bag,” along with whatever food and water we’re toting, and towels.  The trusty Salesforce beach blanket (love the tchotchkes) and beach umbrella are carried over the shoulder.  Parker carries his boogie board, fins, mask, and snorkel, and away we go!  As we’ve perfected our beach outings I’ve been able to toss in a little treasure of my own, my book.  Yes, sometimes the stars align while the boys are digging in the sand, or playing in the surf, and I withdraw my book from its nestled slumber and ease it open with great stealth, so as to not disrupt the aligning stars.  I hear a little angel sing as I lay back under my umbrella and turn the pages of my novel.  Ahhhh…

The Little Beach Boy
The boys can play blissfully on the beach for hours.  Reid prefers to hang with his newest sibling, the 6th family member, and play in the sand, running down to the surf to fill his elephant watering can and running up to fill the hole he’s dug, only to watch the water disappear.  I’m not sure if he continues to hope that the water will pool, but it keeps him occupied and happy so who am I to wreck his great attempts.  Parker on the other hand has fallen in love with the water.  When we moved here Parker was barely swimming, now he’s snorkeling and boogie boarding, diving into the waves and body surfing to the beach. He comes alive when his toes hit the sand and he sprints to the water with either boogie board in tow, or mask and snorkel, ready to dive in to the watery world.  He’s even boldly jumping off the “pool” wall that partitions an area on Little Manly beach.  I think of it as the shark safe zone, but don’t tell the boys that.  Mark too is loving the water, playing with the boys and reliving childhood experiences of days spend on the beach.  The first time he took Parker snorkeling they saw an octopus!            

Little Manly shark safe zone

Something that has initiated Parker's love for the water is Nippers.  Every Sunday morning Parker joins the rest of Manly’s youth for Nippers at the beach, which is sand and surf-play focusing on fun and surf awareness.  It’s also a grooming program for future Lifesavers, who are different than Lifeguards as they’re volunteers, and Australia’s beaches depend on volunteer Lifesavers to patrol.  When kids who participate in Nippers reach 13 they’re able to complete their Surf Rescue Certificate, which enables them to patrol and participate in Nippers competitions.  It’s a serious program down here.

Unfortunately, autumn is around the corner.  This Friday, 1st of March is the first day of autumn.  Australia's seasons change on the first day of March, June, September, and December.  A bit confusing considering the rest of the world changes its seasons on the 21st day of those months.  My flip flops, or thongs as they are called here, will go to their resting place where they will sadly collect dust, my bikini will be hung up until next summer.  My Uggs and boots will be pulled from their hibernation... Who am I kidding?!  I'm being dramatic!  We still live in a beach town where the beach is down the street and the sun still shines, so I don't think our trips to the beach will wane dramatically, they just might be a little cooler.  But it's been a tremendous summer and we've loved this stay-cation that is our life in Manly; meals outside, all doors and windows open, swim lessons in our pool, hats and sunglasses, sundresses and sandals, a cold beer or glass of bubbly as the sun sets at 8pm.  Ahhhhhh....